Thursday, July 9, 2009

Elder Ritter's Latest email

"Well I found a little bit more time to e mail today so I thought I might as well send another quick email that talks about things I forgott to mention. Tomorrow is the fourth of july which is awesome because like I said we get to, at least I'm pretty sure we are able, to stay out a bit late and watch all the fireworks. It is going to be sweet mostly because it is diffrent from our typicall day in and day out schedule which never seems to change. So to have something different is a real treat. On the subject of French I have made a lot of progress but with that progress come the realization that I have an infinite amount to learn but I'm excited to try and speak maybe a little bit of French to you when I get to call from the air port. Hopefully Dad will be able to understand my probably horrible French. (Because by now after reading scriptures in French you are probably back to your highest fluency level.) Its cool/ amazing to think you already know this language. I wish I did. But when I think about myself in the somewhat near future speaking French, hopefully at least pretty well, I get so excited and my worries just seem to go away. It really is such an awesome language I really enjoy learning it even though somedays I think it would be a lot easier to be teaching in English. I wouldn't have it anyother way, though. Oh question, for you how is the cruise planning/ scuba tranning coming? I am super excited for you and want to hear all about it. Oh and Amy, if you have a second like on Sunday, you should write and let me know what you thought of the Stadium of Fire that is if you are feeling well enough to go. Hopefully you can I know how much you love them Jo Bro's. My companion actually likes them haha. Not that he listens to them a lot he was just really good friends with a family in his ward and the kids like them so he likes them too. He calles this family his "ward family" because they are really close and he is the only member of his family. He was baptised two years ago and his family wasen't too happy about him going on a mission, and because of that he is a huge example to me. It seems like going on a mission would so much harder without support which is probably why I thank you all everytime I write because it really is such a huge blessing to have you all backing me up. Well its just about dinner time and I better go. Hope to hear from you all soon. Love you all!
Elder Geoffrey Ritter"

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